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  Redshelf ebooks and courses requiring a code are available online only. 

Students using financial aid or tuition assistance please fill out your authorzation form (link is under financial aid below) not doing so can cause a delay in your order being processed.

Online orders placed after 2pm on Thursday will be processed beginning the following Monday

Buyback Information

What is Buyback?

Textbooks which have a wholesale value may be sold to the college store at various times throughout the school year.  Call the store nearest you for more details regarding the wholesale buyback. 

The college store also schedules a special buyback for used textbooks during finals week of fall, spring, and summer semesters. 

The college store does not buyback study guides, workbooks, or books containing CDs, DVDs, flash drives, or access codes.

How much money will I get for my textbooks?

If the book will be used again for the next term, the college store will pay up to 50% of the current new selling price.  The college store will continue to buy back books from students until they have met the quantity limit. 

If the store has sufficient stock or if the book has not been re-adopted, then a wholesale value will be applied to all current-edition textbooks.  The wholesale value is approximately 12-25% of the new book price.  The college store does not determine wholesale value.

What are some factors that influence the buying back of a textbook?

  1. The college store receives an adoption (order) from an instructor indicating what textbook will be used for the upcoming semester.  If the book is not being used for the next semester the college store will not buy back the book.
  2. The college store staff will check textbook inventory to determine how many books the store has on-hand and how many books are needed for a particular course.
  3. The condition of a book being sold back is important.  The book must have all pages intact, be in readable condition, and all front and back covers should be in place.
  4. The life expectancy of a book is between 2 & 3 years.  Publisher's print new editions leaving old editions with no value.
  5. If the college store does not buy back a book for the above reasons, wholesale buy back may be an alternative.  Wholesale prices are determined primarily by demand nation-wide.